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总之大家看图就明白了,冥王星重新成为行星,恭喜冥姐回归太阳系大家庭= =seramyu.cn# r  o0 a, s" }! c! G" Y+ ~' L  ?

. ]- s2 {& z1 C' ?5 E6 i1 B  _seramyu,seramyu之地,美少女战士,美少女战士音乐剧,美少女战士舞台剧,ミュージカル美少女戦士セーラームーン,Musical Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon,大山アンザ,神戸みゆき,黒木マリナ,高木ナオ,穂坂優子,笠原竜司,望月祐多s Pluto a Planet? The Votes Are In
+ e3 u1 e" n1 p; f& {Release No.: seramyu,seramyu之地,美少女战士,美少女战士音乐剧,美少女战士舞台剧,ミュージカル美少女戦士セーラームーン,Musical Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon,大山アンザ,神戸みゆき,黒木マリナ,高木ナオ,穂坂優子,笠原竜司,望月祐多- Y* |* ?; Y# {- t
2014-25& q6 b+ E9 @. @# \( M" u! I
For Release: . `& c& [" G" W* Q2 S5 r+ Y; h# L
Monday, September 22, 2014 - 10:00am5 W) u/ T$ _' j5 T- K
Cambridge, MA -' ~  i! V* w0 q- B% R. I5 s5 z. M5 ]
What is a planet? For generations of kids the answer was easy. A big ball of rock or gas that orbited our Sun, and there were nine of them in our solar system. But then astronomers started finding more Pluto-sized objects orbiting beyond Neptune. Then they found Jupiter-sized objects circling distant stars, first by the handful and then by the hundreds. Suddenly the answer wasn't so easy. Were all these newfound things planets?
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Since the International Astronomical Union (IAU) is in charge of naming these newly discovered worlds, they tackled the question at their 2006 meeting. They tried to come up with a definition of a planet that everyone could agree on. But the astronomers couldn't agree. In the end, they voted and picked a definition that they thought would work.
" s6 W0 Z2 e" t6 p4 s# Dseramyu,seramyu之地,美少女战士,美少女战士音乐剧,美少女战士舞台剧,ミュージカル美少女戦士セーラームーン,Musical Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon,大山アンザ,神戸みゆき,黒木マリナ,高木ナオ,穂坂優子,笠原竜司,望月祐多, S% F6 p: E. W9 o' }
The current, official definition says that a planet is a celestial body that:8 U, G; t; B4 B- H+ r" h0 K

7 c) E8 q- x$ {7 sis in orbit around the Sun,【SeraMyu之地】美少女战士音乐剧主题论坛( I8 I9 v9 s6 C# b: w4 n$ @
is round or nearly round, and
1 |, w# H0 q; s3 s' u【SeraMyu之地】美少女战士音乐剧主题论坛has "cleared the neighborhood" around its orbit.$ ]; D" g- g  y' [
But this definition baffled the public and classrooms around the country. For one thing, it only applied to planets in our solar system. What about all those exoplanets orbiting other stars? Are they planets? And Pluto was booted from the planet club and called a dwarf planet. Is a dwarf planet a small planet? Not according to the IAU. Even though a dwarf fruit tree is still a small fruit tree, and a dwarf hamster is still a small hamster.: B1 ~" E1 I5 @1 O0 w2 J4 z3 [
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Eight years later, the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics decided to revisit the question of "what is a planet?" On September 18th, we hosted a debate among three leading experts in planetary science, each of whom presented their case as to what a planet is or isn't. The goal: to find a definition that the eager public audience could agree on!9 b' f% L1 u# ?6 j/ }, f
seramyu.cn5 o2 X/ P2 `- y; a1 H
Science historian Dr. Owen Gingerich, who chaired the IAU planet definition committee, presented the historical viewpoint. Dr. Gareth Williams, associate director of the Minor Planet Center, presented the IAU's viewpoint. And Dr. Dimitar Sasselov, director of the Harvard Origins of Life Initiative, presented the exoplanet scientist's viewpoint./ ~$ v" z& s) n  N

; K9 j, s* _6 z) m7 g0 gseramyu.cnGingerich argued that "a planet is a culturally defined word that changes over time," and that Pluto is a planet. Williams defended the IAU definition, which declares that Pluto is not a planet. And Sasselov defined a planet as "the smallest spherical lump of matter that formed around stars or stellar remnants," which means Pluto is a planet.0 h* e1 n4 ?1 P0 i( d0 z
【SeraMyu之地】美少女战士音乐剧主题论坛, P7 ?; y7 `1 j9 F, A' ~, h
After these experts made their best case, the audience got to vote on what a planet is or isn't and whether Pluto is in or out. The results are in, with no hanging chads in sight.
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According to the audience, Sasselov's definition won the day, and Pluto IS a planet.
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The video of the debate and audience vote can be seen on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/user/ObsNights.seramyu.cn0 A* Z; o/ n$ O( x

. C( p  K  `$ t: [【SeraMyu之地】美少女战士音乐剧主题论坛Headquartered in Cambridge, Mass., the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) is a joint collaboration between the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Harvard College Observatory. CfA scientists, organized into six research divisions, study the origin, evolution and ultimate fate of the universe.9 A4 b9 k3 `5 j3 k! T

, z7 j9 z# @* lseramyu.cnFor more information, contact:
% f  e+ c( [) W8 Y  g7 s【SeraMyu之地】美少女战士音乐剧主题论坛
# ~; |5 m* x# M' UDavid A. Aguilar【SeraMyu之地】美少女战士音乐剧主题论坛- A( `% Z4 R! }  e  G
Director of Public Affairs
* V7 G0 y9 I- GHarvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics3 o/ i( D" }) Y
6 l  p' c* v. u( h* m8 Mdaguilar@cfa.harvard.edu2 t, \3 _% a, U" l  j/ @

+ Z; {+ H  _1 ~" X, P, N1 R1 [Christine Pulliam
* a4 W; h+ h; E5 H  x5 H8 CPublic Affairs Specialist
! v" @2 ~3 @( k. C. ]5 o8 Q; [【SeraMyu之地】美少女战士音乐剧主题论坛Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics【SeraMyu之地】美少女战士音乐剧主题论坛$ Q$ G0 w% ^; ^0 O% B8 u, u
: }5 q9 `6 ]7 C+ B9 _% s5 B; _cpulliam@cfa.harvard.edu



# _+ r: P! ~( w. g$ xseramyu,seramyu之地,美少女战士,美少女战士音乐剧,美少女战士舞台剧,ミュージカル美少女戦士セーラームーン,Musical Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon,大山アンザ,神戸みゆき,黒木マリナ,高木ナオ,穂坂優子,笠原竜司,望月祐多* {2 F2 Z1 J" s! Q

- x1 r! `$ t7 c* S$ @5 m( `【SeraMyu之地】美少女战士音乐剧主题论坛
6 H& m3 W% F- M& `7 Sseramyu,seramyu之地,美少女战士,美少女战士音乐剧,美少女战士舞台剧,ミュージカル美少女戦士セーラームーン,Musical Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon,大山アンザ,神戸みゆき,黒木マリナ,高木ナオ,穂坂優子,笠原竜司,望月祐多1 u- A0 ?% q$ ]- Q' W' _

% Y, T. y/ h5 J3 Gseramyu,seramyu之地,美少女战士,美少女战士音乐剧,美少女战士舞台剧,ミュージカル美少女戦士セーラームーン,Musical Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon,大山アンザ,神戸みゆき,黒木マリナ,高木ナオ,穂坂優子,笠原竜司,望月祐多seramyu,seramyu之地,美少女战士,美少女战士音乐剧,美少女战士舞台剧,ミュージカル美少女戦士セーラームーン,Musical Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon,大山アンザ,神戸みゆき,黒木マリナ,高木ナオ,穂坂優子,笠原竜司,望月祐多$ o1 ~7 F1 i! r

1 V( o4 X% F, k7 x) F为了不太水加一句:原来时空守门人的意思就是出不来进不去(雾)




回复 2# さむい 【SeraMyu之地】美少女战士音乐剧主题论坛) |! y% J; S$ O' i1 k/ [

: R- D! P6 S" S1 }: f5 s恩我后来也在微博上看到了= =该死的营销号= =




! _( p( o5 A6 p4 ]8 K! ^$ c因為美戰和雪奈, 我支持冥王星是九大行星><


冥王星被除名的其中一個原因是密度不夠(這個原因很奇怪的=.=)。而且吐血的是,加州理工大學在天文期刊上發表發現新的行星(暱稱小胖),圍繞太陽公轉一周要1萬-2萬年=.=,發現它的學者是貝提金(Konstantin Batygin)與布朗(Mike Brown)都支持它成為太陽系第九行星OTL
. A. }' j) W( X5 U, S7 R
5 s% _$ ^) p! F# @8 cseramyu.cnPS︰這兩名學者也是支持冥王星不是行星而是矮星......


冥王星又回来了?我OUT了, Q# i. e4 |" \9 a  L* y5 j7 z- B





